I’m pretty sure all of you who know my political views are thinking I’ve either completely lost my mind or that I’m beginning to see the light. “Did Mo really just said that Donald Trump is exactly who we need as President? Really? Seriously? No, REALLY?” Really. Donald Trump IS exactly who we need as President.
Let me be clear: I did NOT vote for Donald Trump. There are many reasons why I’ve never voted Republican (except for L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County’s County Executive), but this election in particular, no matter who was on the Republican ticket for 2016, my vote automatically defaulted to Democrat. Because of my uterine cancer diagnosis, should I need to seek employment elsewhere, I could stand to lose my health insurance if the pre-existing condition clause is wiped out of the Affordable Care Act. As I have yet to meet a Republican who believes in fixing the Affordable Care Act instead of repealing it altogether, this and this alone was enough for me to vote Democrat on November 8th.
But as long as I’m being honest here, I may as well put the majority of my political beliefs in print. In my opinion, abortion is no one’s business but the woman who is contemplating one. I think equal rights, whether based on gender or sexual orientation, shouldn’t even be an issue in this day and age. I stand by the words emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to break free….” My ancestry never was native to the United States, and unless you’re 100% Native American, yours probably isn’t either. As far as gun control goes, I feel guns are like cars: you need to be licensed to operate one and regardless of what kind or how many you own, they should all be registered. I realize my gun stance may not be popular with some of my Democrat friends or even my Republican friends, but no one is perfect.
So why on Earth do I think Donald Trump is exactly who we need as President?
Donald Trump is right. We need to make this country great again. We need a little revolution. From both sides of the aisle.
One of Trump’s campaign slogans,”Drain the Swamp,” identified Trump’s intention to set term limits on Congressional representatives. Let’s be honest, though. Even if there IS a Congressperson willing to introduce term limit legislation into Congress, it will never see the light of day. Because who on Earth would willingly vote him/herself out of a job? No one. And because the terms of Congressional representation are part of the Constitution, no Executive Order can get the job done either.
So what can I, Mo of MoLivinLarge, or anyone else, Democrat, Republican or Independent, do in the face of such adversity? Frankly, I think it’s time we all start taking the advice of Elle Woods (yes, I do in fact mean Reese Witherspoon’s “Legally Blonde” character) and speak up.
In the 114th Congress, which will close on January 3, 2017, there are 11,830 bills and resolutions currently before Congress. It’s been estimated that only 4% of what’s introduced into Congress actually makes its way into becoming a law/enacted bill. For example… many people out there, myself included, want new legislation for Veterans. There are 414 bills for Veterans’ medical care that were introduced in this Congress alone. This number of 414 was, again, only for Veterans’ medical care and doesn’t include all of the other bills introduced for Veterans’ education, employment and rehabilitation (278 total); Veterans’ loans, housing and homeless programs (98 total); Veterans’ organizations and recognition (114 total); or Veterans’ pensions and compensation (159 total). Of the 11,830 bills and resolutions before Congress right now, 1,063 (or 9%) are geared towards Veterans. I’m willing to bet most of us didn’t know that.
Therefore, we ALL need to pay attention to what’s before our Congress. We ALL will need to educate ourselves on new legislation. If you hear about a bill you’d like your House rep or Senator to support or deny, YOU need to call his/her office and tell someone that you’re a constituent who wants Mr. Smith or Senator Jones to vote a certain way on something. YOU need to spread the word on Facebook, at the gas station, in line at the grocery store. YOU need to speak up!
So I think it’s time to make the United States great again. Start now. Call your Congressional reps and let them know how you feel about Trump’s appointments. Encourage your friends and family to begin contacting their Reps! It’s Congress’ job to approve Presidential appointments! It’s all in the checks and balances system. Speak up!
Since I was 18, I have never actively participated in an election other than to discuss candidates with my friends and family, and exercise my right to vote. This particular election, like many others I thought HRC was the clear candidate to win. But the 64.9 million of us who voted for her were wrong, and Hillary Clinton lost the electoral college. In the days following the election, I began wondering if I could have done something to help HRC win and I realized there was nothing. There’s nothing I could have done to change the election results.
But what can I do going forward? What can a blue woman do in the case of red government? I can speak up. It’s time for me to stop being passive about what’s going on in my country. It’s suddenly become vitally necessary for me to start forming opinions about bills and legislations that will affect me and my fellow man before they’re made into law. And I need to speak up… and so do you.
That’s why Donald Trump is exactly the President we need.

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