I haven’t posted since 2017. I don’t know why. I should’ve been able to post a ton of content in 2020, but don’t know why I didn’t. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times my blog went down. And then my bestie’s husband would be kind enough to get it back up, and I’d say to myself, “Soon!” and it wouldn’t happen. Yet, honestly, given my mindset since March, 2023, I can tell you I wouldn’t have posted until now.
March, 2023 I had my annual Favorite Things party. And then I got sick. Really, really sick. I thought I had strep. Got tested for that, bronchitis and of course, Covid. Negative on all three. So they told me I had a sinus infection. Only I’m not someone whose ever had sinus issues. And this goes on for almost a full month. I worked from home probably that entire month, though I did do showings (hey! still in real estate!… wait. I think that’s an update…. )
So yeah, holy shit, that’s an update.
I had a HUGE career change in May of 2017 when I left my job in marketing and went to work for a friend in real estate. I went as a Zombie REALTOR for Halloween because I pulled an all-nighter studying for my real estate exam and yep, I passed (full disclosure, it was my second try). And I’ve been working in one real estate capacity or another for the past SEVEN (where the hell does the time go?) YEARS?!?!?!
I digress… which I have a feeling I’ll do a lot of in this post.
So anyway, FINALLY get over the whole pseudo sinus infection that I really think was just a new strain of COVID (though I’ve never been officially diagnosed with COVID ever so there’s that) and had returned to work when…
… my dad died.
It was relatively quick, all things considered. It was (hopefully) painless and if it was painful, Jim remained as stoic and ornery as ever and never complained. The signs had been there, so it wasn’t a surprise, and I miss him. Sometimes painfully so, but mostly I smile when I think of him and tell him I love him and my eyes water so there’s that.
Back to the real estate thing… about two weeks after we finalized my dad’s sending off as it were, I picked up real estate clients. Jess and her husband Dan. They decided they wanted to move out of their Southfield colonial and into a Southfield ranch. We looked at some INSANE houses btw. Some with original features like a trash incinerator, the original built-in oven, and some incredible light fixtures. One house even had the exact same linoleum that my dad’s house had (and through a comedy of errors, my MOM, who knows Jess btw, was on that showing with us and we both laughed and laughed). But because of the real estate market being what it was, it took FOREVER to get Jess and Dan under contract, and their closing was actually October 1st.
And then the holidays came up… and we finalized my dad’s estate… and my mom and I cleared out my dad’s house and sold it. The thing about my dad was he hated change. Maybe that’s why he was such a great biology teacher. The human body hasn’t really changed in hundreds of years, so his lesson plans never needed amending. Oh, so why my dad hating change complicated my life… we weren’t just clearing out his stuff. Oh no. My grandparents were the ORIGINAL owners. So we had to clean out their stuff, too. Again, fascinating. For so many reasons.
And then, as I started getting my head in the right head space again (this would’ve been late March, 2024)…
… I fell into a sump pump and broke my ankle.
All of my real estate friends laughed and said, “Only you, Mo!” The ER staff laughed. My orthopedic surgeon laughed. My physical therapist did NOT laugh but only because I believe he was too polite.
So yeah, that’s what’s been happening.
Nah, that ain’t even the half of it.
There have been some new guys to add to my posts, I’ve made new friends, I’ve learned a thing or two….
Stick around guys. Because I am fully committed to living my life large.

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