A few months ago, my co-worker and I stopped at the nearby Speedway gas station for pop (soda, whatever) after picking up the office lunch. This is a store I go into three or four times a week to buy beverages, chips, and whatever else we may need that day. They know me by name, I […]
Keep Calm and Resolve On.
I’m not sure if I ever mentioned it or not, but my dad was a high school teacher. He taught Biology II: Anatomy and Physiology for almost 30 years, and for 25 of those years he also founded and taught the A.P. Biology class. His A.P. Bio class was so successful, in fact, that Oakland […]
“What’s playing at the Roxy? I’ll tell you what’s playing at the Roxy….
… Picture about a Minnesota man so in love with a Mississippi girl that he sacrifices everything and moves all the ways to Biloxi. That's what's playing at the Roxy." Nathan Detroit (Frank Sinatra) Guys and Dolls I love Sinatra. I love Guys and Dolls. Hence the reason for today's quote. Well that and it's […]
“Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon…
… so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense." ~ William Lyon Phelps March 12 was the 100th birthday of an organization I hold very near and dear to my heart: Girl Scouts. Because of Girl Scouts, I have seen and done things I wouldn't ordinarily do. I have made life long friends. […]
“Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break…
… every step you take, I'll be watching you." ~ "Every Breath" by The Police Once upon a time, Mo was a stalker. (I'm pausing while I wait for the laughter to die down because those who know me well know I still have mad Google stalking skills). This is a story about my early […]
Stuff I Could Not Make Up Even If I Tried
Little vignettes of things that have truly happened to me but aren't worth an entire dedicated post. My friends Mark and Kony in Chicago had a vegetable garden behind their garage that yielded copious amounts of vegetables. One night, after having dinner together, Mark sent us home with this huge zucchini. It was as big […]
“What would you say to the one who got away?”
I saw this on a Facebook post from Etsy. It got me thinking about what I'd want to say. So since I am ALL about sharing, here's what I would say. For those who know me and have been around awhile, see if you know who I'm writing these to. 🙂 Dear California:Thank you for […]
“A lifetime’s passed by you….
… What would you say?" ~ Dave Matthews Band "What Would You Say" I'm sure by now most of us have seen the YouTube video Dear 16-Year-Old-Me. And then there's the blog post regarding the Mom whose 7-year-old declared she was fat. So I started thinking. If I could tell my younger self, my daughter, […]
“A list is only as strong as its weakest link.” ~ Donald Knuth
Once upon an evening dreary, as I surfed weak and weary over many a webpage of forgotten lore…. Did you know Edgar Allan Poe's birthday was January 19th? It was. He was born in Boston in 1809. Now that you can add that to your bits of useless information for trivial trivia purposes…. And this […]
“I realize that I’m black, but I like to be viewed as a person…
… and this is everybody's wish" ~ Michael Jordan I've been having a lot of blonde moments as of late, but this one takes the cake. Even if it happened more than ten years ago. Michael Jordan's home in Chicago had pink marble in it. Very, very pale pink marble, but pink all the same. […]